Mine Supplies Request
1 Stage
Quest Giver: Naem
Location: Tulimshar's Mine
Naem requested me to fetch several materials. He needs 7 Aquadas, 6 Piou Legs, 3 Cheese, 3 Half Croconuts and a Purple Blobime. I should deliver them to his wife, Silvia, in Tulimshar.
I can break whole croconuts in the inventory screen.
Required Level: 28
2 Stage
Quest Giver: Naem
Location: Tulimshar's Mine
I should bring the Iced Bottle to Naem. I should also tell him his wife will cook him his favorite dish.
Iced Bottle is important as the mine is above a volcano. Some hot regions will chip away the health. However, drinking cold water before keeps this under control.
Required Level: 28
3 Stage
This completes quest
Quest Giver: Naem
Reward: <text1="[Miner Tank Top]">{text1}
Location: Tulimshar's Mine
Naem thanked to the Iced Bottle, but did not allow passage. I may never know what secrets lurk in the mineā¦
Required Level: 28
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