Moubootaur Legends Wiki

The Academy

Holy Light PlaceholderIcon
“Standard holy magical attack.” MP Cost: ??
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: ?? Damage Type: Magical
Lightning Bolt LightningBoltIcon PREREQ: Magical Strike lvl 1
“Hurl a bolt of lightning” MP Cost: 140
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: High +Damage On Skill Growth: High
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical
Frost Driver PlaceholderIcon
“Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage.” MP Cost: 200
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Frost Nova PlaceholderIcon
“Freeze everything in a range.” MP Cost: ??
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: ?? Damage Type: Magical
Healing Healing_Icon
“Healing for the wounded.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Mana Wisdom PlaceholderIcon
“-Passive- Raise ‘MANA-EXP’ rate.” MP Cost: ??
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: ?? Damage Type: Utility

Accumulate Power PlaceholderIcon
“Raise damage of next skill.” MP Cost: ??
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: Self Damage Type: Utility

Provoke MassProvoke_Icon
“Provoke a single monster.” MP Cost: 24
+MP On Skill Growth: 11 Skill Damage: N/A +Damage On Skill Growth: N/A
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Utility

Mass Provoke MassProvoke_Icon
“Allows provoking many monsters at once.” MP Cost: 14
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 10x10 Damage Type: Utility

High Healing PlaceholderIcon
“Use a Lifestone for supreme healing.” MP Cost: ??
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: ?? Damage Type: Magical

Windwalker PlaceholderIcon
“Increase walk speed and flee rate.” MP Cost: 146
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: ?? Damage Type: Utility

Last Man Standing PlaceholderIcon
“-Passive- Raise Max HP and Holy Defense.” MP Cost: ??
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: ?? Cast Area: ?? Damage Type: Magical
Action Casting ActionCastIcon
“-Passive- Allows to attack after casting.” MP Cost: N/A
+MP On Skill Growth: N/A Skill Damage: N/A +Damage On Skill Growth: N/A
Cast Range: N/A Cast Area: N/A Damage Type: Utility

Backsliding PlaceholderIcon
“Jump 5 tiles backwards” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Nature Wall PlaceholderIcon
“Make pikpiks under cursor.” MP Cost: 140
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 5 Cells Damage Type: Magical

Full Throttle PlaceholderIcon
“Last resort skill.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Sudden Attack PlaceholderIcon
“Jump to enemy to attack.” MP Cost: 120
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: Same as basic attack +Damage On Skill Growth: N/A
Cast Range: 5 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Weapon Auto Attack

Trick Dead PlaceholderIcon
“Please dont attack.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Fire Walk PlaceholderIcon
“Leaves firetraps on ground as you walk” MP Cost: 130
+MP On Skill Growth: ?? Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 0 Cast Area: 8 Cells Damage Type: Magical
Falkon Punch PlaceholderIcon
“Bash you weapon against enemies with raised damage and accuracy.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Supreme Attack PlaceholderIcon
“Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Arrow Shower PlaceholderIcon
“Shoot 5 Arrows/Bullets into the air and cause AoE damage.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Counter Attack PlaceholderIcon
“Next attack will be retaliated with x2 critical ratio.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Ground Strike PlaceholderIcon
“Hit the ground, exploding the ground and disabling enemies.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

Sharpshooter PlaceholderIcon
“Shoot an Arrow/Bullet which damages everything in its way.” MP Cost: 100
+MP On Skill Growth: 30 Skill Damage: ?? +Damage On Skill Growth: ??
Cast Range: 9 Cast Area: 1x1 Damage Type: Magical

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