Moubootaur Legends Wiki

Mapping software: Tiled

Mapping Guide


Making maps for Moubootaur Legends is not a task that requires a lot of knowledge but is a very good way to become creative and help the game to become more attractive. But getting started can be a little frustrating. Here is a guide that will help you to learn all the basics on how to make maps.

What is Tiled and how to get it

Tiled is a map editor that isn’t made specifically for Moubootaur Legends. That means it has a lot of options and settings we don’t need or use.

The map editor we are using is called Tiled. You can find it at

If you have technical request, you must look at Discord

Minimum Tiled Version: 1.3.4+
We do not accept snapshot versions


You need to use a certain folder structure when mapping for TMW:

For windows users, avoid having your clientdata folder on desktop, that cause error when adding tilesets. To avoid this issue unzip your client-data on the base of your disk like D:or C:.

Setting up the data files

To create a map, you will first need some graphics, as well as existing maps to use for reference.

You can get all the files in the right directory structure by cloning the “clientdata” project from our [[Git repository]]. []

Setting up Tiled for making TMW Maps

Map Creation



To create a new map, press File->New. Use the following settings: - Map - Map Type: Orthogonal - Tile Layer format: CSV - Tile render orded: Right Down

Note: Server internal data range is 18×18; which is why “planned” border is rarely or never used. The borders exist so the player is always centered on the monitor no matter where they are, and the minimum map size is based on this.

Map properties



To Open map properties, go to MAP -> Map Properties… Here you can check check global information about your map like, width, height, tile size. Most important things to do its to complete the Custom Properties.

You must add them With the Blue [+] button. You can also transfer one from another map.

Here is the 6 most important lines you must add.

Some others lines could be added, but these six are a must-have.

How to fill the information

Setting up Layers



To show layer tab, view -> views and Toolbars -> Layers Layers are divided in 2 groups, Tile layer the blue square, and Object layer the pink form,

Lets first introduce Tile Layer

Tile Layers

Manaplus currently read 5 different types of Layers, which are Ground, Fringe, Over, Collision and Heights.



In general, tilesets imported with 32x64 (aka. x2) or 32x96 (aka. x3) are all for the Fringe layer.



Be careful: Using collision layer tiles on other layers will cause pipeline errors.


You can use the red collision tiles to cause player to be rendered half tile above their real position; Which can be useful for stairs, however it can also cause strange glitches with graphics when misused or with certain tilesets. It also modifies the player speed (faster when coming from south, slower when coming from north), which is often undesired.

Therefore, consider the real need and sufficient skills before using this layer. You might consider locking the layer after creation to ensure you won’t accidentally place an invalid tile as unlike collision, this layer does not require a special tileset to use.


Object Layers

Object layers information are converted into server data value when you run the command make maps. It’s important to be sure all of your Object size are divisible by 32 pixel or that will cause Server side error. For those who don’t have local server, ask for help on Discord #tmw2-dev

Objects layers are usually listed by alphabetical order on Moubootaur Legends.

You do not need to have them all on your map. the most common are:

Setting the layer color is not strictly required when using the Project Feature introduced in Tiled 1.4 (the project overrides the setting), however it is advised nonetheless as not all contributors are using this optional feature.

Edit Tilesets

TODO: Importing tilesets for use (without TSX)

TSX files

Tilesets can be saved in tsx file format, but only when they are animated. Unanimated tilesets should always be imported directly on the map.

While this makes extending existing tilesets harder and also increases the disk usage, it has other side benefits both on portability as well as on CI checks.

Save your changes

When you save your changes, make sure that all objects and tileset layers are showed and unlocked. Except Heights and Collision, that should be set to hidden cause they break world feature. Heights layer can produce weird graphical glitches if misconfigured and is rarely used, consider locking it if you do not plan in using it (optional).